HANK BOYD IS DEAD will be making its worldwide debut on Tuesday, June 27! Genre distributor Terror Films has released the official poster, trailer and...
Festival Line-Up is Bigger, Bolder, and Bloodier Featuring Over 40 Film Premieres Popcorn Frights Film Festival returns bigger, bolder, bloodier with its second wave of...
Terror Films is set to release HANK BOYD IS DEAD across multiple digital platforms on Tuesday, June 27. Writer/director Sean Melia’s twisted story follows struggling...
Fresh from its Audience Award winning presentation at Fright Night Theatre Film Festival, Blood Hunters, directed by Tricia Lee will have a theatrical run at...
Last night, the immersive workshop for aspiring genre filmmakers, Shudder Labs, kicked-off its second year at the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY. Shudder...
The Six Day Event Honored Excellence of Independent Sci-Fi Cinema Over 100 Screenings and Events Held In Honor of Milestone Year (New York City, N.Y.)...
Terror Films Announces A Release Date for Award Winning Psychological Thriller THE DRIFTER Terror Films is set to release the indie thriller THE DRIFTER, across multiple...
The latest feature film from BAFTA winner Stuart Brennan has just wrapped filming! Set during the Napoleonic War, “The Necromancer” is a dark, twisted fairytale...
The Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival has announced the full schedule for its fifth anniversary event from May 25-30, 2017. The program showcases...