Filmmaker Joshua Brucker and producer Kate Riffe are pleased to announce that casting for their upcoming short film, The Late Shift, has begun. The Late Shift follows...
Step into a serial killer’s twisted world when the dark crime thriller, Hangman, arrives on Blu-ray™ (plus Digital), DVD, and Digital February 27 from Lionsgate. The film...
Prepare for the ultimate war against the undead when Day of the Dead: Bloodline comes to Digital HD, Blu-ray™ and DVD February 6 from Lionsgate. A small group of...
This February, witness the ruthless result of minor wrongdoing with the acclaimed sci-fi thriller Defective. From writer-director Reese Eveneshen, director of Dead Genesis, and genre specialist Uncork’d...
Multi award-winning producer Albert Pyun’s (“Cyborg,”” The Sword and the Sorcerer”) sci-fi action “Nemesis 5,” starring legendary action star Mel Novak (Bruce Lee’s “Game of...
The terrifying film The Sandman comes to DVD on March 6 from Lionsgate. Madison is a little girl with the unfortunate ability to bring her nightmares to...
When a brutal massacre plagued the isolated and peaceful town of Raven Rock in 1986, the remaining residents fled, leaving the once tranquil community behind....
A Christmas Special From the Three Time Peabody Nominated Suspense Show Need a little something to get you in the holiday spirit? ‘A Very SUSPENSE-ful...