Filmmaker Joshua Brucker and producer Kate Riffe are pleased to announce that casting for their upcoming short film, The Late Shift, has begun. The Late Shift follows...
Film Distributors Together Magic & Reel Nightmare Films are starting 2018 with the DVD release of their hit slasher film “Alpha Delta Zatan.” The film’s...
The consequences are deadly when black magic mixes with social media in Friend Request, arriving on Digital December 19 and on Blu-ray™ (plus Digital), DVD and On Demand...
Lucky Strike Films releases official trailer for “BLOOD RUNS THICK” “BLOOD RUNS THICK” red carpet premiere will be Halloween Night 2017 in Beverly Hills This new...
It’s Halloween month and Terror Films is prepped to release the ominous TALON FALLS onto digital platforms on Friday, October 13th! The genre distributor is...