Film Distributors Together Magic & Reel Nightmare Films are starting 2018 with the DVD release of their hit slasher film “Alpha Delta Zatan.” The film’s...
A masked killer targets a fraternity in ‘ALPHA DELTA ZATAN,’ now available on Amazon Prime (US/UK) from Reel Nightmare Films & Together Magic. A reversal on...
Together Magic and Reel Nightmare Films have wrapped principal photography of their horror thriller ‘Alpha Delta Zatan’ in Los Angeles. The new full-length feature film will...
The terrifying trailer for the upcoming horror film Found Footage 3D was released today. Those with 3D TVs, VR goggles, Google Cardboard, or red-blue 3D...
LA based composer Eric Elick releases stunning industrial score to Emma Dark’s epic short film SEIZE THE NIGHT. American composer Eric Elick has been making...