Praxis Media Ventures is proud to announce the completion of the science-fiction thriller Chimera, created by first-time writer-director Maurice Haeems, produced by Jay Sitaram and Eric B. Fleischman, and starring Emmy-nominee Henry Ian Cusick (Lost), Oscar-nominee Kathleen...
Director Yorgos Lanthimos (The Lobster) reunites with Golden Globe® winner Colin Farrell (Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy, In Bruges, 2009) in one of...
TOP HORROR-COMEDY SHORT TO PREMIERE ONLINE HALLOWEEN EVE Multi-award-winning “Born Again” hits Short of the Week starting 10/30 at 10 a.m. Born Again, a horror...
Narrative Feature Director/Producer/Writer debut by James L. Bills, along with Producer J. Horton (Co-Producer of: Edges of Darkness, Monsters in the Woods). Stars: Ely LaMay with Calista...
Richard Kelly’s Donnie Darko Returns to Theaters Arrow Films Debuts 4K Restoration of Theatrical & Director’s Cuts Weeklong Runs in Los Angeles, New York...
Emiliano Rocha Minter’s Nightmare Fantasy We Are the Flesh Begins US Theatrical Rollout in January 2017 Premieres in Los Angeles at Ahrya Fine Arts January...
With over 160 festival selections including SXSW, and 40 award wins, Night of the Slasher, written and directed by Shant Hamassian, has just been released...