Emmy-Winning Netflix original series DreamWorks Trollhunters is first installment of three-part epic from DreamWorks Animation Television Trollhunters Part 2 premieres exclusively on Netflix December 15,...
MORTAL REMAINS is a “shockumentary” which examines the life of Karl Atticus, a notorious filmmaker from the Vietnam era whose works have been mysteriously purged from cinematic history…with good reason,...
TOP HORROR-COMEDY SHORT TO PREMIERE ONLINE HALLOWEEN EVE Multi-award-winning “Born Again” hits Short of the Week starting 10/30 at 10 a.m. Born Again, a horror...
Lucky Strike Films releases official trailer for “BLOOD RUNS THICK” “BLOOD RUNS THICK” red carpet premiere will be Halloween Night 2017 in Beverly Hills This new...
The New York City Horror Film Festival is excited to announce the distinguished presence of writer-director Lou Simon and actress Aniela McGuinness of the revenge thriller “3” at their Opening Night screening on October...
OUT NOW! Dee Wallace-Starring RED CHRISTMAS Available on DVD, Blu-ray and most VOD Outlets Craig Anderson’s Red Christmas, a horror-filled cinematic present for the entire family...
The new horror/thriller Aliens: Zone of Silence will be available on-demand throughout the world October 24, 2017. The film is being released by independent film...