As 2025 unfolds, horror enthusiasts have a thrilling lineup of films to anticipate. Here are five standout horror movies scheduled for release this year that...
Multi award-winning producer Albert Pyun’s (“Cyborg,”” The Sword and the Sorcerer”) sci-fi action “Nemesis 5,” starring legendary action star Mel Novak (Bruce Lee’s “Game of...
The story of Lance and his unlikely friendship with a self-aware, pint-sized automaton. When a listless young man decides to protect his discovery of a...
From the Vestron Video Collector’s Series, the horror classic Gothic will arrive for the first time on limited edition Blu-ray™ on January 30 from Lionsgate. Starring Golden Globe® winner...
Tom Holland’s return to horror feature filmmaking leads list of 11 world premieres; program boasts 130+ short films from around the world In just two...
Simple Creature is a modern re-telling of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In this version, new implant technology alters Em’s (Carollani Sandberg) reality, after a brutal accident....
Emmy Award winning director, Ryan Bellgardt’s (Army of Frankenstein) highly anticipated creature feature Gremlin hits VOD July 11 from Uncork’d Entertainment. Godzilla meets The Ring...