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Reality is Shattered with Andrew Finnigan’s Simple Creature this July 25th

Reality is Shattered with Andrew Finnigan’s Simple Creature this July 25th


Simple-Creature-Andrew-Finnigan-Movie-PosterSimple Creature is a modern re-telling of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In this version, new implant technology alters Em’s (Carollani Sandberg) reality, after a brutal accident. Also, screeners of the film can be requested from Randolph, at: adminoffice@indicanpictures.com And, the film is set for release this July 25th, on DVD and VOD.

Indican Pictures is set to release Andrew Finnigan’s Simple Creature this summer. The film is a modern telling of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein as the young Em is changed, forever, by technology. Though her life is saved, with help from a complex chip implant, Em’s life is no longer her own – after a brutal bus crash. Simple Creature stars Carollani Sandberg (All Things Hidden), D’angelo Madili (The Invoking), Russell Hodgkinson (“Z Nation”), Alycia Delmore (Grimm) and Tony Doupé (Wild) also star. Simple Creature is featured in the upcoming issue of SciFi Magazine. And, a preview of the film’s home entertainment launch is hosted here and

The trailer, for Simple Creature, shows Em struggling with her new upgrade. Implanted with a new, advanced chip, she begins to experience reality differently. Not ready to let their experiment leave the lab, Em is pursued by the research team; however, the powers that be cannot allow Em to return to what she was before.

Indican Pictures has set a date for the film’s release. Simple Creature will show on DVD and Video-on-demand this July 25th. On this date, Simple Creature will be available nationwide, across North America. Viewers can find the latest on this sci-fi thriller here, with Finnigan’s Simple Creature promising a twisted tale of technology gone awry.


Simple Creature [OFFICIAL TRAILER] (2017) from Indican Pictures on Vimeo.

The film’s official synopsis: Techie college student, Em (Carollani Sandberg) heads home for holiday break, blissfully thinking about her new boyfriend is on the way. However, her life is put on hold when the bus she is taking crashes, nearly killing her. Em’s father, Roy (Tony Doupe) is grief stricken. He is also the head of an advanced genetics, nanotech, and robotics lab. Here, he is able to bring her back to normal, with additional technology-enhanced abilities. While Em struggles to find her humanity after being upgraded, Roy’s lab struggles to control their most successful experiment.

Release Date: July 25th, 2017 (VOD, DVD).

Director/writer: Andrew Finnigan.

Cast: Carollani Sandberg, D’Angelo Madili, Russell Hodgkinson, Alycia Delmore, Tony Doupé and Hans Altwies.

The film’s homepage: https://www.simplecreaturemovie.com/

More film details at Indican: http://www.indicanpictures.com/indicanpictures/simple-creature/

About Indican Pictures: Indican Pictures acquires and distributes feature films to a broad range of entertainment outlets by providing a diverse selection of movies across: theatrical, home video, TV, VOD, PPV and streaming platforms.

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