SYNOPSIS: When a brutal massacre plagued the isolated and peaceful town of Raven Rock in 1986, the remaining residents fled, leaving the once tranquil community...
The Six Day Event Honored Excellence of Independent Sci-Fi Cinema Over 100 Screenings and Events Held In Honor of Milestone Year (New York City, N.Y.)...
Emmy Award winning director, Ryan Bellgardt’s (Army of Frankenstein) highly anticipated creature feature Gremlin hits VOD July 11 from Uncork’d Entertainment. Godzilla meets The Ring...
Sony Distribution will release highly-anticipated science-fiction actioner Rogue Warrior : Robot Fighter, starring Tracey Birdsall and written and directed by Neil Johnson, in theaters June...
Luciano and Nicolás Onetti´s -“Sonno Profondo” (2013), “Francesca” (2015)- new film “What the Waters Left Behind” (“Los Olvidados”) landed in Marché du Film (Cannes Film...
With the outcry over diversity in the past few years, and recent success stories of the likes of Jordan Peele’s “Get Out”, African American filmmaker...
Canadian film distributor Shivers Entertainment is set to launch evil upon the world! Their latest launch is a re-release of director George Pavlou (Rawhead Rex,...