Under the banner of new production company ON DECK FILMS, LLC, internationally renowned director Eduardo Sanchez of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT to helm new comedy...
TUFTLAND, the new mystery thriller helmed by Finnish first time director Roope Olenius, will be presented at the next American Film Market in Santa Monica by international...
The origins of the infamous Texas Chain Saw Massacre are finally revealed when Leatherface arrives on Blu-ray™ (plus Digital), DVD and Digital December 19 from Lionsgate. The film is...
Just in time for Halloween, Jared Masters’ bloody and controversial sword and sandal epic, Absolute Vow (Director’s cut) premiers exclusively on DVD. Official selections at...
As the Halloween season nears, Terror Films continues to unleash a series of critically acclaimed, indie horror titles. Their latest release is the haunted house...
MORTAL REMAINS is a “shockumentary” which examines the life of Karl Atticus, a notorious filmmaker from the Vietnam era whose works have been mysteriously purged from cinematic history…with good reason,...
WTF? Audiences Went in “Blind” to Indie Docu-Style Thriller The Triangle, New DVD Opens Their Eyes LTom Phillip of GQ Magazine called The Triangle “a...