Matthew Currie Holmes’ directorial debut, Buckout Road, just won its first film festival award and released a full-length trailer. This supernatural thriller, produced by John...
Craig Anderson’s Holiday Horror Comes to HD Artsploitation Sets Red Christmas Under the Tree October 17th Available Nationwide on Blu-ray, DVD and VOD “a tightly constructed, unapologetically...
Corpse Cold: New American Folklore, a new book inspired by horror from the 1980s and 1990s, is coming to Kickstarter on Sept 30. Corpse Cold: New American...
Mainframe Pictures has released the first stills for its new horror short She Came from the Woods. Synopsis: A campfire story comes to life for a group...
Genre icon Dee Wallace (The Hills Have Eyes, The Howling, E.T., Cujo, Critters) stars in a critically acclaimed role as the stressed-out mother of a...
Tom Holland’s return to horror feature filmmaking leads list of 11 world premieres; program boasts 130+ short films from around the world In just two...