The grotesque Danish short film, inspired by Hans Christian Andersen, has beentouring film festivals for a year and a half and is now finally available...
Director Yorgos Lanthimos (The Lobster) reunites with Golden Globe® winner Colin Farrell (Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy, In Bruges, 2009) in one of...
Ash Mountain Films today announced that Left Films has acquired their debut feature film “Dogged” for distribution in North America, UK and Eire for an...
From the press release: “Starring Dylan Sprouse, the nail-biting thriller DISMISSED arrives on Digital (EST) and VOD today (11/21) from The Orchard. The film tells the...
The Family Way is a unique twist on the old “crazy family” horror story, combining powerful themes of self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-preservation with a truly...
ZBurbs “Zombies Have to Live Somewhere!” Indican Pictures will release the zombie comedy ZBurbs this November. What happens when a woman’s husband is turned into...
Exciting new fantasy short, The Black Cat, directed by Indian award-winning filmmaker Bhargav Saikia, is now available worldwide on Youtube. The 20-minute film, which is...
6:66 PM recently had its World Premiere at the Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival. Now, this blend of horror and comedy is available through Video-on-demand....