The grotesque Danish short film, inspired by Hans Christian Andersen, has beentouring film festivals for a year and a half and is now finally available...
Luciano and Nicolás Onetti´s -“Sonno Profondo” (2013), “Francesca” (2015)- new film “What the Waters Left Behind” (“Los Olvidados”) landed in Marché du Film (Cannes Film...
Mexican horror film We Are The Flesh is available on Shudder TODAY. WE ARE THE FLESH is set in a post-apocalypse Mexico, where a brother and sister, Lucio and Fauna,...
Terror Films has locked in a U.S. release date for the multi-award winning film, Savageland. To celebrate the film’s February launch, a “Dead Alive” clip...
Shooting began this weekend on Ash Mountain Films debut horror feature “Dogged”, adapted from their critically acclaimed short of the same name. Directed by Richard...