
Category : Movies

Movie NewsMoviesNews

Apocalyptic Fantasy WE ARE THE FLESH Opens in Los Angeles January 13th

Emiliano Rocha Minter’s Nightmare Fantasy We Are the Flesh Begins US Theatrical Rollout in January 2017 Premieres in Los Angeles at Ahrya Fine Arts January...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

‘Red Hollow’ Starring Lisa Wilcox Starts its Indigogo Crowdfunding Campaign

PII Productions is pleased to announce the feature horror film RED HOLLOW. Red Hollow is a Canadian horror film set to commence principal photography this coming...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

“DOGGED” – 1st teaser trailer released for modern day folk horror film

Ash Mountain Films dropped the first teaser trailer for their debut feature film “Dogged” this week. You can view it here: Adapted from their award...
Movie NewsMoviesNewsOn DemandVideo/TV

‘Fractional’ lands North American Distribution

‘Fractional’ is an Award winning feature film fromWriter/ Director Malcolm Deegan. It is available now on Google play, Youtube and Amazon prime and instant, Vudu...