As the Halloween season nears, Terror Films continues to unleash a series of critically acclaimed, indie horror titles. Their latest release is the haunted house...
From the director of “Red Billabong”; Occupation follows a group of small town residents who have to band together after a devastating ground invasion. As...
OUT NOW! Dee Wallace-Starring RED CHRISTMAS Available on DVD, Blu-ray and most VOD Outlets Craig Anderson’s Red Christmas, a horror-filled cinematic present for the entire family...
The deadly adventures of Bunnyman continue in the third and final film in the Bunnyman trilogy, Bunnyman Vengeance on digital 10/20 and DVD/BD on 11/21 from Uncork’d Entertainment. The...
Corpse Cold: New American Folklore, a new book inspired by horror from the 1980s and 1990s, is coming to Kickstarter on Sept 30. Corpse Cold: New American...
Genre icon Dee Wallace (The Hills Have Eyes, The Howling, E.T., Cujo, Critters) stars in a critically acclaimed role as the stressed-out mother of a...