The ultimate teaching machine spirals out of control when the Vestron Video Collector’s Series releases the sci-fi thriller Class of 1999, arriving for the first...
Praxis Media Ventures is proud to announce the completion of the science-fiction thriller Chimera, created by first-time writer-director Maurice Haeems, produced by Jay Sitaram and Eric B. Fleischman, and starring Emmy-nominee Henry Ian Cusick (Lost), Oscar-nominee Kathleen...
In 1952 five children were playing football in a small town called Flatwoods, WV when a strange object appeared above them. Streaking across the sky,...
Turkish famous director Biray Dalkiran’s (known for film triology “Purgatory”, “Heaven”, “Hell” and tv series “Evidence”) first movie in USA expected release date of beginning of 2018, “The...
SYNOPSIS: Four college friends participate in an annual video chat that goes horribly wrong when an ancient evil, imprisoned by witchcraft, is inadvertently released. Witness...
A new trailer has been released for recently finished THE RUSSIAN BRIDE, a new motherdaughter survival thriller from noted director Michael S. Ojeda (AVENGED) starring...