Monarch Home Entertainment is set to release the post-apocalyptic thriller The Quiet Hour. From French director Stéphanie Joalland, The Quiet Hour takes place after an...
Capture Kill Release Uploads to Digital HD March 7th Found Footage Puts Twist on Infamous Barbie & Ken Killers Available Everywhere in North America Following...
In his feature film Don’t Look in the Basement 2 director and co-screenwriter Anthony Brownrigg continues the storyline of the original 1973 ‘Basement’ film directed...
SVU’s Ice-T Stars as an Ancient Vampire Hellbent on Conquering a Prohibition-Era Town Dan Lantz’s Bloodrunners Available on Blu-ray/DVD And Digital HD March 7th Speakeasy...
The most shocking silent horror film since Nosferatu. Amethyst, written and directed by psycho-sensationalist, Jared Masters (Slink, Ballet of Blood). Shot in 4K resolution, in...
It was announced today that transgender actress and model Erika Ervin, aka Amazon Eve has joined the cast of Dominic Hauser’s “DEAD SQUAD.” Ervin will...
Terror Films has locked in a U.S. release date for the multi-award winning film, Savageland. To celebrate the film’s February launch, a “Dead Alive” clip...