Mainframe Pictures has released the first stills for its new horror short She Came from the Woods. Synopsis: A campfire story comes to life for a group...
Icelandic LBGT Horror’s North American Theatrical & DVD/VOD Roll-Out Coming Winter 2017 Breaking Glass Pictures has acquired North American rights to Erlingur Thoroddsen’s Icelandic LGBT/horror...
Sodom & Chimera Productions releases trailer for controversial horror film ‘Flesh of the Void’ The independent media production company Sodom & Chimera Productions has released a...
PII Productions is pleased to announce the feature horror film RED HOLLOW. Red Hollow is a Canadian horror film set to commence principal photography this coming...
INOPERABLE, a new hospital horror feature starring Danielle Harris of the HALLOWEEN and HATCHET franchises, has released its first teaser artwork. INOPERABLE, filmed in the...