HOSTILE is a french post-apocalyptic movie, shot in english, in New York (USA), Paris (France) and Ouarzazate (Maroc), where the shoot will end on the 7th...
Terror Films has provided two new clips (“Dangerous Art” & “Bedtime Lurking”) for the psychological thriller, The Dark Stranger. The film was released in the...
Media company Joblo and production house Riding Hood Motion Pictures have joined forces to release the long awaited thriller, Wolf Mother, prior to its early...
Directed by the incredibly talented deadly duo of Milko Davis and Thomas Martwick. The film is written by Milko Davis with Michele Pacitto and starring...
Shooting began this weekend on Ash Mountain Films debut horror feature “Dogged”, adapted from their critically acclaimed short of the same name. Directed by Richard...
DRILLER QUEEN is the brand new exploitation film from 29 year old British musician/performer turned filmmaker Kurt Dirt. Self described as “a cross between ‘Party Monster’,...
My Man Productions has announced the rollout release of Stephen David Brooks’ Flytrap on Digital HD. Following an impressive year on the international film festival circuit,...