Film Distributors Together Magic & Reel Nightmare Films are starting 2018 with the DVD release of their hit slasher film “Alpha Delta Zatan.” The film’s...
The novelization of [Cargo] the new feature film thriller [Cargo], written by the film’s producer, J.C. Macek III, will be released on January 21, 2018...
A masked killer targets a fraternity in ‘ALPHA DELTA ZATAN,’ now available on Amazon Prime (US/UK) from Reel Nightmare Films & Together Magic. A reversal on...
Don’t Ever Change is the story of recently paroled Karen Hickman, whose plan to reconnect with her estranged daughter is interrupted by a fan with an...
Ash Mountain Films today announced that Left Films has acquired their debut feature film “Dogged” for distribution in North America, UK and Eire for an...
Action-Fantasy’s North American DVD & VOD Roll-Out Begins January 2 Breaking Glass Pictures has acquired North American rights to the steampunk, action-fantasy film BABES WITH BLADES....
AWARD WINNERS ANNOUNCED FOR THE 4TH ANNUAL PHILIP K. DICK EUROPEAN SCI-F I FILM FESTIVAL Festival Honored The Excellence of Independent Sci-Fi Cinema Over 40...
TUFTLAND, the new mystery thriller helmed by Finnish first time director Roope Olenius, will be presented at the next American Film Market in Santa Monica by international...