
Category : On The Web

Movie NewsMoviesNewsOn The WebVideo/TV

Swim into DEATH POOL this June from MTI Home Video!

Director Jared Cohn (Little Dead Rotting Hood, The Horde) marinades the screen with suspense this June with Death Pool from MTI Home Video. Randy Wayne...
Movie NewsMoviesNewsOn The WebVideo/TV

Web Series ‘HORROR HAIKU’ Returns

Here’s the latest from Seraph Films: Seraph Films is excited to announce the return of its long-running web-series, HORROR HAIKU, with its fifth season, HORROR...
DVD/BlurayMovie NewsMoviesNewsOn DemandOn The WebVideo/TV

Teenage Ghost Punk Hits the Sound Waves Today

Teenage Ghost Punk Hits the Sound Waves Today Midnight Releasing Debuts Musical Ghost Story Available Everywhere in North America on Digital HD & Cable VOD...
Movie NewsMoviesNewsOn DemandOn The WebVideo/TV

Avoiding Amateur Hour this Patty’s Day? Why not stay in with Ken Russell’s ‘The Devils’ on Shudder?!?!?

Considered one of the most controversial films of all time, the Shudder release marks not only the first time the film has been publicly available...
Movie NewsMoviesNewsOn The WebVideo/TV

New Christmas Themed Horror Film Stirring starring Brinke Stevens, Helene Udy, and Kaylee Williams

Troy Escamilla, in collaboration with Fright Meter Films, is set to produce his second feature film and bring true holiday terror to the screen in...
Music NewsNewsOn The Web

Ultra violent eurohorror synth score “Nightmare Vision”

https://karatekingmusic.bandcamp.com/album/nightmare-vision-music-for-film  “Nightmare Vision: Music for Film” collects German composer Karate King’s best musical pieces written for film in 2015 and 2016. Inspired by his passion...
ExclusivesInterviewMovie NewsMoviesNewsOn The WebVideo/TV

Exclusive HorrorFix Interview with ‘Never Hike Alone’ Director Vincente Disanti

It’s no secret how I have an almost unfathomable love for Friday the 13th. A good portion of my wardrobe is adorned with the famous...