
Category : Movies

Movie NewsMoviesNews

DONNIE DARKO Returns to US Screens March 31st

  Richard Kelly’s Donnie Darko Returns to Theaters Arrow Films Debuts 4K Restoration of Theatrical & Director’s Cuts  Weeklong Runs in Los Angeles, New York...
ExclusivesMovie NewsMoviesNews

Top 10 Women in Horror Hall of Fame!

John Gardiner
With March being Women History Month, we at HorrorFix decided to do a Top 10 list of women in horror.  This won’t be a “who’s...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

Christmas Themed Horror Film “Stirring” Halfway funded on Kickstarter

Troy Escamilla, in collaboration with Fright Meter Films, is set to produce his second feature film and bring true holiday terror to the screen in...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

Horror Comedy ATTACKED ON SET comes to BluRay/DVD Combo March 21st

ATTACKED ON SET HITS BLURAY/DVD COMBO PACK AND VIMEO ON DEMAND ON MARCH 21st   This is more than just a film about a killer...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

Get Caught in CAPTURE KILL RELEASE on Digital HD March 7th

Capture Kill Release Uploads to Digital HD March 7th Found Footage Puts Twist on Infamous Barbie & Ken Killers Available Everywhere in North America Following...
DVD/BlurayMovie NewsMoviesNewsOn DemandVideo/TV

‘Basement 2’ Sequels 1973 Cult Classic Thriller Now On VOD and Special 2-Disc BluRay

In his feature film Don’t Look in the Basement 2 director and co-screenwriter Anthony Brownrigg continues the storyline of the original 1973 ‘Basement’ film directed...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

Heroic Age Studios Brings Movie Making to Central Illinois

The legacy of local movie maker lives on through set design In 2009, Pekin resident Jim Conover released the independent western movie, The Showdown (originally...