Troy Escamilla, in collaboration with Fright Meter Films, is set to produce his second feature film and bring true holiday terror to the screen in Fall 2018. Titled Stirring and penned by Escamilla, it was inspired by Escamilla’s favorite horror film, 1974’s Black Christmas and will focus a group of students attending a Christmas party at a sorority house with a sinister past who are stalked by a bloodthirsty killer. Horror icon and Scream Queen Brinke Stevens is set to star in the film alongside Helene Udy who appeared in the classic 1981 slasher My Bloody Valentine and up and coming indie horror actress Kaylee Williams (Model Hunger, The Lashman, Porkchop 3D). Escamilla has reached $6,251 of his $13,500 with 9 days left, so show your support and remember there are a plethora of great rewards available for backers, including the opportunity to be an extra in the film! Troy Escamilla knows and respects the horror genre. He founded the Fright Meter Awards, which have grown in respect and popularity over the last few years with global backers that make up the over 50 member international Award Committee, including bloggers, writers, directors, producers, actors and fans in the horror genre.
Fright Meter Films first feature, Party Night, was filmed this past June after being successfully funded on Kickstarter. Also written and directed by Escamilla, it wrapped post production last month and has received very positive early reviews from sites such as Dread Central, iHorror, The Horror Sydicate, and PopHorror. Escamilla plans to hit the festival circuit in 2017 with Party Night. He promises Stirring will not disappoint: “Fans of holiday themed horror will enjoy the hell out of it; it’s bigger, bloodier and bolder than Party Night! Fans will recognize winks to Black Christmas, Silent Night, Deadly Night and To All a Goodnight, but will also appreciate its own unique style and take on the Christmas themed slasher,”
JOIN THE PARTY & support the film at: Remember: Kickstarter Campaigns are all or nothing.

Christmas Themed Horror Film “Stirring” Halfway funded on Kickstarter
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Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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