Independent film production companies Vacation Theory and Gearmark Pictures have teamed up to release a hilarious horror/comedy short film, titled Nightmare Boner, that has viewers...
Cannibal Horror’s North American DVD & VOD Roll-Out Begins December 12 Breaking Glass Pictures has acquired North American rights to writer-director Dan Pringle’s cult horror...
The new horror/thriller Aliens: Zone of Silence will be available on-demand throughout the world October 24, 2017. The film is being released by independent film...
Automatic Entertainment announced today the release of the first official trailer for their upcoming film, Snake Outta Compton. The movie, a satire of creature features,...
As the witching hour approaches, Terror Films is unveiling the official poster and trailer for the nerve rattling indie horror DEAD BODY! The film hits...
Pad Thai Pictures and Filmsmith’s innovative and exciting sci-fi adventure TIME TRAP, directed by Mark Dennis and Ben Foster, will have its Texas premiere at...
Loving this particular genre mashup!!! From the kickstarter campaign: “Across the last 20 years I’ve written art books and curated exhibitions for some truly brilliant...
From the press release…be ascared, be very ascared: “A young rap group suddenly finds themselves up against a giant, mutated snake that threatens to destroy...
We’ve been following director Vincente Disanti’s Friday the 13th fan film “Never Hike Alone” for a while now. We even caught up with Vincente earlier...