Media company Joblo and production house Riding Hood Motion Pictures have joined forces to release the long awaited thriller, Wolf Mother, prior to its early...
As the THE HOUSE ON PINE STREET quickly approaches its September 30th release date, TERROR FILMS shares yet another clip from the award winning haunted...
She’s back… One of the icons of modern horror returns in the announcement trailer for Annabelle 2! SYNOPSIS From New Line Cinema comes “Annabelle 2,” with David F....
Fright Dome at Circus Circus is celebrating its 14th anniversary by teaming up with Scottgames, the creative genius behind the Five Nights at Freddy’s video...
The world of film is wrought with creative misunderstandings. Aapprently 2008’s Sick represents one of those misunderstandings. We received this message from the director with...
The annual RIP HORROR FILM FESTIVAL celebrates its fourth successful year in Los Angeles with a special Filmmaker Spotlight featuring L.A. independent film director Chris...
3Brane Entertainment is pleased to announce that their horror film Blackburn will see more territories. Already slated for a North American release, this terrifying title...