Filmmaker Joshua Brucker and producer Kate Riffe are pleased to announce that casting for their upcoming short film, The Late Shift, has begun. The Late Shift follows...
The novelization of [Cargo] the new feature film thriller [Cargo], written by the film’s producer, J.C. Macek III, will be released on January 21, 2018...
When a brutal massacre plagued the isolated and peaceful town of Raven Rock in 1986, the remaining residents fled, leaving the once tranquil community behind....
Creepmaker Studios, a new italian production company focusing on micro/low budget horror, action, dark comedy and thriller genres, has announced a production deal with canadian...
CYFUNO VENTURES ACQUIRES STAR WAR’S DAISY RILDEY’S HORROR DEBUT, “SCRAWL” Cyfuno Ventures, a motion pictures sales agency, has acquired the sales rights to the comic...
Macabre Records Inc. was established in 2017 by RIAA® Certified Multi Platinum Record Producer / Multi-Instrumentalist & DJ, Freak Fineman. Macabre Records Inc. is where...
The grotesque Danish short film, inspired by Hans Christian Andersen, has beentouring film festivals for a year and a half and is now finally available...
Don’t Ever Change is the story of recently paroled Karen Hickman, whose plan to reconnect with her estranged daughter is interrupted by a fan with an...
The new horror/thriller Aliens: Zone of Silence will be available on-demand throughout the world October 24, 2017. The film is being released by independent film...