The most shocking silent horror film since Nosferatu. Amethyst, written and directed by psycho-sensationalist, Jared Masters (Slink, Ballet of Blood). Shot in 4K resolution, in...
It was announced today that transgender actress and model Erika Ervin, aka Amazon Eve has joined the cast of Dominic Hauser’s “DEAD SQUAD.” Ervin will...
Terror Films has locked in a U.S. release date for the multi-award winning film, Savageland. To celebrate the film’s February launch, a “Dead Alive” clip...
LA VIDA LOCA PRODUCTIONS has just released a new preview video showcasing the upcoming series MAN VS MONSTERS. The upcoming TV show will be produced...
Chip Gubera’s Hits DVD March 7th Film Festival Hit Puts Sadistic Spin on Online Dating Available Nationwide from All Major Retailers MuchoMuchoMucho Productions and...
Celebrating the 8th annual Women in Horror month, we decided to have a sit-down with owner and judge of this year’s Women in Horror Film...