Filmmaker Joshua Brucker and producer Kate Riffe are pleased to announce that casting for their upcoming short film, The Late Shift, has begun. The Late Shift follows...
My disdain for the current season of The Walking Dead not withstanding I’m always fascinated by what doesn’t make the television cut. We often forget...
From the press release: “The Prince of Horror Erotica, Jared Masters (Slink, After School Massacre), has published his first seven screenplays in the appropriately titled,...
The short film titled, Michael Myers versus Jason Voorhees made it’s much anticipated debut on the Youtube channel, CallMeJeff86 on January 15th, 2018. Michael Myers versus Jason Voorhees stars Jeff Payne as Michael Myers, Dustin Miller as Jason...
COMET TV Jan GIVEAWAY: The Craft Exclusive Swag Pack! Edgar Allan Poe Double Features! And More We are the weirdos, mister. Nancy, The CraftJanuary is...
Step into a serial killer’s twisted world when the dark crime thriller, Hangman, arrives on Blu-ray™ (plus Digital), DVD, and Digital February 27 from Lionsgate. The film...