From the master thriller writer, Eric Red, who wrote the classic suspense movies ‘The Hitcher’ and ‘Near Dark’, comes ‘The Wolves of El Diablo’. The...
“a found footage film well worth watching” –Found Footage Critic Movie Heroes Studios has partnered with Distribber for the nationwide VOD release of Matt Sconce’s...
The latest feature film from BAFTA winner Stuart Brennan has just wrapped filming! Set during the Napoleonic War, “The Necromancer” is a dark, twisted fairytale...
Begin the Hunt in Chupacabra Territory April 11th Available Nationwide on Blu-ray, DVD and Flixfling Expands to iTunes, Amazon Instant & Cable VOD after 30...
Terror Films has locked in a U.S. release date for the multi-award winning film, Savageland. To celebrate the film’s February launch, a “Dead Alive” clip... “Nightmare Vision: Music for Film” collects German composer Karate King’s best musical pieces written for film in 2015 and 2016. Inspired by his passion...
Yup, we’re giving away more free stuff, this time we are partnering with CometTV, a FREE Sci-Fi/Horror Channel available ANYWHERE. Seriously, got a tv? Got...
TERROR FILMS starts to unleash its slate of 2016 titles, beginning with the award winning and critically acclaimed film, THE HOUSE ON PINE STREET. The...