
Tag : English-language films

Movie NewsMoviesNews

Wanna Take a Horror Road Trip? Here are 15 Surviving Horror Locations that Make the List

I gotta admit, I am just a tad jealous. I have been to at least a couple of these locations, but a few, and these...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

First Look At Upcoming Horror Comedy #FromJennifer

Horror icons Tony Todd (Candyman, the Final Destination series) and Derek Mears (Friday the 13th, Predators) join Aaron Abrams (Hannibal, Blindspot), Meghan Deanna Smith (Sharknado:...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

Havenhurst Opens its Doors February 10

Starring Cult Favorites Julie Benz and Danielle Harris Available in Select Theaters and Nationwide on VOD Brainstorm Media and Twisted Pictures have announced the February...
Movie NewsMoviesNewsOn The WebVideo/TV

Jason Voorhees Returns in Friday the 13th Fan Film “Never Hike Alone”!!!

Womp Stomp Films Launches Kickstarter Campaign and New Trailer for Friday the 13th Fan Film “Never Hike Alone” Womp Stomp Films is excited to announce...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

Dreaming Purple Neon signed with Unearthed Films

There’s a new drug on the streets, turning people into savage monsters!  It is up to one small group of people to stop the plans...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

80’s inspired practical fx creature feature “PORTAL POPPERZ”!!

The film, to be directed by PCS President, Jerry Macaluso, is titled Portal Popperz and aims to celebrate a lost genre not just in tenor...
ExclusivesMovie ReviewsMoviesNewsReviews

10 Christmas Movies for Horror Fans

10. The Corridor (2010) Is there a better time to reconnect with old friends than the holidays? Is there a better time to hole up in...
DVD/BlurayMovie NewsMoviesNewsOn DemandVideo/TV

Brazilian horror film The Devil Lives Here Is Out on DVD and VOD

One day, teenagers spending the weekend in a remote house will not open that door, you know the one that unleashes the devil and/or his...