The legacy of local movie maker lives on through set design In 2009, Pekin resident Jim Conover released the independent western movie, The Showdown (originally...
Corbin Bernsen (“L.A. Law,” THE DENTIST), 11-year-old supermodel Kristina Pimenova, and Oksana Orlan (LANA’S RAIN) are starring in and promoting a crowdfunding campaign for THE...
We are culture. We are exploration. We are The New York Science Fiction Film Festival. The city’s newest platform for independent science fiction cinema arrives...
Dread Central, the premier website for breaking news and in-depth original content in the world of horror, has announced that after a decade of independently...
In 2014, genre distributor Terror Films came across a film titled Viscera, at the Screamfest Horror Film Festival, in Los Angeles. The film was initially...
Fright Dome at Circus Circus is celebrating its 14th anniversary by teaming up with Scottgames, the creative genius behind the Five Nights at Freddy’s video...
INOPERABLE, a new hospital horror feature starring Danielle Harris of the HALLOWEEN and HATCHET franchises, has released its first teaser artwork. INOPERABLE, filmed in the...