A war of the worlds begins this February when writer-director Neil Rowe’s special effects showcase ALIEN OUTBREAK lands on digital and DVD from High Octane...
Livescream is a feature length gaming horror film from Octopunk Media, written and directed by Michelle Iannantuono and starring Gunner Willis. The uniquely designed film unfolds...
“makes for a thought-provoking conversation piece about the future of love and relationships” Aint it Cool “visually proactive storytelling” ThatMomentIn “poised to become a film...
Green Apple Entertainment officially drops Captured on January 1, 2020 and stars Kirsten Prout (The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, Elektra) Brittany Curran (Dear White People, 13...
Blu-ray™ (plus Digital) and DVD January 7 “An instant classic” (Rachel Handler, New York Magazine) comes ashore when The Lighthouse arrives on Digital December 20, On Demand January...
Multi award-winning filmmaker Harley Wallen’s Abstruse starring Tom Sizemore (Black Hawk Down) and Dennis Haskins (Saved by the Bell) is now released for satellite and...
Season One Finale of the Horror Anthology Series, Executive Produced by Greg Nicotero, Airs October 31st on Shudder Following a record-setting first season, Shudder —...
Rob Zombie’s 3 From Hell is available now on 4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital from Lionsgate. The 3 have been freed, and we have two behind the scene clips from the...