
Category : Movies

Movie NewsMoviesNews

Michael Biehn Sets Record Straight on Alien 5

The landscape of the Alien films have changed radically since the success of both Ridley Scott‘s seminal chiller Alien and the uber successful actioner Aliens...
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Rath’s IL SONNAMBULO – horror series releases third and final chapter

Writer/director Douglas Rath’s drama-horror hit Il Sonnambulo just unleashed its third and final episode. The series follows provocative ‘shock-rocker‘ photographer Atticus Hurst as he scours the world...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

Horror Decor unveils new terrors to stuff under your tree this holiday season

Ring in the ho-ho-horror holidays this year with Horror Decor! The home decor brand has unleashed its Winter 2015 line of horror-themed holiday merchandise featuring an...
Ash HamiltonBlogsMovie NewsMovie ReviewsMoviesNewsReviews

Horror Score Card – HorrorFix rates the films of Eli Roth

After watching both “Green Inferno” and “Knock Knock” in the span of a week I decided that although Eli Roth is a creative force in...
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7 days to Win a custom screen-used battle axe from Frank and Zed!!!

A while ago we took look at an ambitious new “puppetcore” horror film featuring puppets, zombies, Viking warriors and a whole lotta gore called Frank...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

A New Year’s Eve Hosts Uninvited Guests in this First Trailer for Minutes to Midnight!

Minutes to Midnight continues to spread the bloodshed. After a recent screening at the American Film Market, the film now has an official trailer. Directed by...