Heralded by the filmmakers as a return to the creature features of the 80s, Moggy Creatures takes an unexpectedly different route. A route that involves...
Womp Stomp Films Launches Kickstarter Campaign and New Trailer for Friday the 13th Fan Film “Never Hike Alone” Womp Stomp Films is excited to announce...
Billed as “Tremors meets Jaws” , Sharkasaurus is self described as “A bloody ridiculous graphic novel full of brutal killings, Shakespearian love and golf courses.”....
Inspired by creepy comics likeTales from the Crypt and The Witching Hour, BURIAL PLOTS contains thirty ghastly black & white pages, featuring two macabre adventures. With...
Spidarlings is a blood splattered musical with gore, extravagant music numbers and a giant tarantula that alters the fate of everyone. In the middle of...