Film Distributors Together Magic & Reel Nightmare Films are starting 2018 with the DVD release of their hit slasher film “Alpha Delta Zatan.” The film’s...
A masked killer targets a fraternity in ‘ALPHA DELTA ZATAN,’ now available on Amazon Prime (US/UK) from Reel Nightmare Films & Together Magic. A reversal on...
Don’t Ever Change is the story of recently paroled Karen Hickman, whose plan to reconnect with her estranged daughter is interrupted by a fan with an...
Happy Black Friday! After screening at thirty three film festivals in the past 6 months (i.e. the Fantasia Intl. Film Festival, Telluride Horror Show, FilmQuest,...
Guess who has two thumbs and is so musically behind that they hardly recognize anybody on the tracklist for the soundtrack for Netflix Original Pictures’...