Genre icon Dee Wallace (The Hills Have Eyes, The Howling, E.T., Cujo, Critters) stars in a critically acclaimed role as the stressed-out mother of a...
“A tightly constructed, unapologetically nasty little thriller, given depth and weight by Wallace’s interpretation of a sweet woman suffering for her past” —Los Angeles Times “One...
Terror Films will be releasing the dark, docu-style horror/comedy, Die Laughing. The launch will take place across major digital platforms – on Friday, September 15....
“a tightly constructed, unapologetically nasty little thriller, given depth and weight by Wallace’s interpretation of a sweet woman suffering for her past” –Los Angeles Times...
Supernatural Revenge Thriller’s North American DVD & VOD Release October 31 Breaking Glass Pictures has acquired North American rights to the Canadian horror film THE TORMENTING....
Composer Robert Reider releases jazz fusion / synth heavy soundtrack to the detective noir vampire comedy feature film, “Dark Seduction”. A Midnight Releasing distributed film...
From Executive Producers Ben Silverman, Howard T. Owens, Gale Anne Hurd, Brett-Patrick Jenkins, Glen Morgan, Jon Halperin and Mark Mannucci, the anthology series is based...
Terror Films is set to release THE DOCUMENTARY onto digital platforms this Tuesday, August 22. The film was written and directed by Walter Moise (producer/editor...