The story of Lance and his unlikely friendship with a self-aware, pint-sized automaton. When a listless young man decides to protect his discovery of a...
Don’t Ever Change is the story of recently paroled Karen Hickman, whose plan to reconnect with her estranged daughter is interrupted by a fan with an...
Happy Black Friday! After screening at thirty three film festivals in the past 6 months (i.e. the Fantasia Intl. Film Festival, Telluride Horror Show, FilmQuest,...
Ash Mountain Films today announced that Left Films has acquired their debut feature film “Dogged” for distribution in North America, UK and Eire for an...
From the press release: “Starring Dylan Sprouse, the nail-biting thriller DISMISSED arrives on Digital (EST) and VOD today (11/21) from The Orchard. The film tells the...
Biray Dalkıran’s “The Crossbreed” was accepted to Independent Horror Movie Awards last month. Every two months Independent Horror Movie Awards give over 20 different awards including many...
The first official trailer for Kyrsyä – Tuftland has now been released. Tuftland will have its North American premiere this coming December at the Other...
Popcorn Frights Film Festival, the largest genre film event in Southeast US, is excited to announce that submissions are now open for the fourth edition...