Justin Reinsilber’s Central Park Premieres at Dances With Films The World’s Most Famous Park Becomes a Hunting Ground A Killer Stalks the Children of Manhattan’s...
Horror-Fix is pleased to announce the launch of a Kickstarter campaign that will allow the public to meet Horror Boards. Horror Boards is a collectible,...
A.R.S. films in association with DefTone Pictures Studios Inc, has released its first official teaser trailer for Director Adam R Steigert’s FANG. After participating in...
Festival Directors and horror filmmakers Samantha Kolesnik and Vanessa Ionta Wright are thrilled to welcome some amazing guests, panelists and guest judges to the 2017...
Sometimes art imitates life and sometimes, well its the other way around. I still love just about everything about the original Ghostbusters, especially the art...
Daryl Toh, known for the popular webcomic The Misadventures of Tobias and Guy, and Ryan King, the comic writer behind ToTully Aces and The Games We Played, are launching...
It’s bittersweet news coming out of the Hellboy camp today as we learned that while fans will indeed be getting another installment in the franchise,...
The latest feature film from BAFTA winner Stuart Brennan has just wrapped filming! Set during the Napoleonic War, “The Necromancer” is a dark, twisted fairytale...