Award-winning suspense thriller B&B, written and directed by BAFTA-nominated Joe Ahearne (Trance, The Replacement, Doctor Who) and produced by Jayne Chard (Dartmoor Killing, I’ll Tell You), is set to be released this...
The Edmonton Festival Of Fear International Film Festival will be the first film festival in the world to Screen, “Gone” by director Billy Chizmar, Bel...
Terror Films is set to release HANK BOYD IS DEAD across multiple digital platforms on Tuesday, June 27. Writer/director Sean Melia’s twisted story follows struggling...
Fresh from its Audience Award winning presentation at Fright Night Theatre Film Festival, Blood Hunters, directed by Tricia Lee will have a theatrical run at...
Last night, the immersive workshop for aspiring genre filmmakers, Shudder Labs, kicked-off its second year at the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY. Shudder...
Terror Films Announces A Release Date for Award Winning Psychological Thriller THE DRIFTER Terror Films is set to release the indie thriller THE DRIFTER, across multiple...