I gotta admit, by the end of last season I was all bit done with the Walking Dead. I was there since the first episode, but I couldn’t ignore the sound of the death rattle in the background. Then, the announcement that Andrew Lincoln was leaving definitely signaled what I thought was the inevitable deathblow. NOW, it seems as though Rick’s departure was exactly what the show needed as the last two episodes have to be the best of the last three seasons, period. Happy to see the show bounce back and I hope that it continues the momentum. Here’s a clip of next Sunday’s episode highlighting both Daryl and Carol. Enjoy!

Sneak Peek: Carol and Daryl Reunite, 6 Years After Rick
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Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of Horror-Fix.com, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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