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Paul F. Olson’s ‘WHISPERED ECHOES’ Available June 23rd from Crystal Lake

Paul F. Olson’s ‘WHISPERED ECHOES’ Available June 23rd from Crystal Lake


Journey through the Heart of Terror

They are calling to you.
whispered-echoes-coverDo you hear them?
They are the whispered echoes of your darkest fears.

From the pen of horror writer Paul F. Olson comes Whispered Echoes, a stunning dark fiction collection that will carry you down lonely twilight byways into a world of darkness and dread. It’s a world of forgotten roadways, sleepy small towns, deep forests, windswept waters—a place where the uneasy spirits of your imagination roam free and anything at all can happen.

  • A man searches for answers at an abandoned lighthouse and uncovers an unspeakable past
    • An unassuming tourist goes for a stroll and leaves devastation in his wake
    • An ancient voice speaks from the depths of a long-forgotten cave
    • A violent storm rages overhead, while the scratching sounds begin in the cellar below
    • A man inherits the family talent, but what price does that legacy demand
    • A return to the family homestead brings overwhelming memories, but the darkest memory of all still waits outside
    • A late-night call from an abandoned camp brings a frightened cop face-to-face with everything he fears
    • A wild joyride ends with a surprise reunion and an encounter with the impossible

Previously available only in a deluxe limited edition, Whispered Echoes features the resurrection of eleven classic horror stories, originally published in the ‘80s and ‘90s and out-of-print for years, along with a stunning new novella written especially for this collection. With a foreword by horror master Chet Williamson and an introduction by the author, this book is an unforgettable journey through the quiet heart of terror.

Brought to you by Crystal Lake Publishing – Tales from the Darkest Depths.

Available June 23

Great news!

Since Paul F. Olson’s WHISPERED ECHOES is just such an amazing book, we’ve decided to launch the Kindle version at only 99c for the 1st hundred sales. People NEED to read this book.

“Nowhere is Paul Olson’s narrative power, compelling voice, and unique sense of place more evident than in this wonderful, essential collection of hair-raising stories. Whispered Echoes is nothing short of a feast for those of us who appreciate old school horror with a nefarious modern twist, and with it, I hope Paul Olson gets every bit of the acclaim he so richly deserves.”—Kealan Patrick Burke, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of The Turtle Boy, Kin, and Sour Candy.



Available now on Amazon: http://getbook.at/OlsonsEchoes

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35444411-whispered-echoes

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