
Category : Movies

Movie NewsMoviesNews

Jared Masters’ new 1960’s feature ‘Big Hair, Long Lashes’ premieres on Amazon

The lost sexploitation masterpiece, Big Hair, Long Lashes, was recently found in a film lab in East Iowa. It was painstakingly restored and released over...

5 Horror Movies Guaranteed to Fuck Up Date Night

So you’ve got your tub of popcorn, your Raisinets, your significant other (or prospective significant other) is laid out on the couch in those Hello...
DVD/BlurayMovie NewsMoviesNewsVideo/TV

‘SLASHER.COM’ Makes a Date for DVD on March 7th

Chip Gubera’s Slasher.com Hits DVD March 7th Film Festival Hit Puts Sadistic Spin on Online Dating Available Nationwide from All Major Retailers MuchoMuchoMucho Productions and...
Game NewsGamesMovie NewsMoviesNews

Still Reeling over Friday the 13th News? Let this Nintendo Fan Film Chase Your Blues Away!

So it looks as though our chances of a brand spankin new Friday the 13th are slim to none now with the announcement that plans...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

Release Date & Sneak Peek Clip for The Tribe

Terrors Films has locked in a U.S. release date for, The Tribe. The first phase of the release will begin on Friday, February 10th and...
Movie NewsMoviesNewsOn The WebVideo/TV

New Christmas Themed Horror Film Stirring starring Brinke Stevens, Helene Udy, and Kaylee Williams

Troy Escamilla, in collaboration with Fright Meter Films, is set to produce his second feature film and bring true holiday terror to the screen in...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

Garden Party Massacre has an Uninvited Guest in this Trailer

Horror meets comedy in award winning Gregory Blair’s new film Garden Party Massacre, finishing post production via Pix/See Productions and just today releasing the first...
Movie NewsMoviesNewsOn DemandVideo/TV

Coming Soon to VOD: The Controversial DEADLY VIRTUES: LOVE.HONOR.OBEY.

January 26, 2017Deadly Virtues: Love.Honor.Obey. is the first feature film from Raindance Raw Talent and was directed by Ate de Jong (Drop Dead Fred, Highway to...