“THE FERRYMAN” After a failed suicide attempt, troubled and lonely teen MARA finds herself stalked by a malevolent entity. From Elliott Maguire: “As much a...
HANK BOYD IS DEAD will be making its worldwide debut on Tuesday, June 27! Genre distributor Terror Films has released the official poster, trailer and...
Terror Films is set to release HANK BOYD IS DEAD across multiple digital platforms on Tuesday, June 27. Writer/director Sean Melia’s twisted story follows struggling...
The Butcher Brothers – Mitchell Altieri and Phil Flores – have completed their disturbing horror film, A Beginner’s Guide to Snuff. Darkly comedic, the film...
Inhabitants of a fishing island off the coast of Maine find themselves mysteriously cut off from the outside world after the ferry suddenly stops coming....
Hey there filmmakers! Midnight Releasing is now open for 2017 acquisitions for the genres of: Horror, Thriller, Sci-Fi, Dark Comedy, Dark Drama and Action. Please...
Breaking Glass Pictures has acquired North American rights to the Hungarian occultist horror feature THE BASEMENT. Breaking Glass acquired North American rights to the film...
Joshua K. Carpenter, Head of Global Acquisition & Sales of Green Apple Entertainment today announced the USA DVD pre-order launch of the clown massacre teen scream “Haunted Maze”. Pre-Orders now available...
Joshua K. Carpenter, Head of Global Acquisition & Sales of Green Apple Entertainment today announced the USA DVD pre-order launch of the UK action-packed, supernatural...