Multi award-winning short film and media sensation, Night of the Slasher, written and directed by Shant Hamassian, has been selected at SXSW 2016. Three screenings are scheduled during...
Ballet of Blood, the 9th feature film by Jared Masters, has been picked up for distribution by Gravitas Ventures. It will have a vast cross-platform...
RINKvision is proud to announce the March 8th DVD and Video-On-Demand release of Stomping Ground, an independent Bigfoot horror feature by writer/director Dan Riesser. Mike...
Take a first look at the official UK trailer for Fourth of July horror YOU ARE NOT ALONE: Shot in gripping first-person perspective (also seen...
Horror Master’s Final Tale Resurrected as Motion Picture For the first time, Edgar Allan Poe’s final, unfinished short story known as “The Light-House” is being...
Gremlins? Ghoulies? Critters? Munchies? The 8os saw a subgenre of horror that had us fascinated with small, mischevious creatures wreaking havoc on US suburbia. Gotta...
It’s long been rumored that Friedkin‘s contempt for Lalo Schifrin‘s original score for “The Exorcist” was so vehement that the celebrated director actually tossed it...