HONEYSPIDER is an upcoming horror feature film from indie filmmakers Josh Hasty and Kenny Caperton. The film takes place in 1989 on Halloween day and follows college...
On Saturday Feb. 15th, the LiveSciFi extreme ghost hunters will be streaming live their investigation of the haunted “Welles House” of Wilkes Barre, PA. While...
The Call of Duty brand is synonymous with classic multiplayer first person shooting gmaeplay. Many gamers much like myself have grown accustumed to that type...
February 6, 2014. Eagle One Media is proud to announce it will distribute Takashi Shimizu’s undiscovered Japanese film Alter Ego to worldwide audiences for the first time....
Recently the Rotterdam International Film Festival (RIFF) hit the Netherlands. Honestly, it took me by surprise. I am usually so focused on the Amsterdam festival...