“Mandy” (2018) “Mandy” is an audacious, visually striking journey into the depths of revenge and madness. Directed by Panos Cosmatos, the film stars Nicolas Cage...
BINGE YOUR FAVORITES THIS JANUARY ON SHOUT! FACTORY TV Kick off 2023 with film icons John Carpenter, Jackie Chan and Sonny Chiba! Streaming wherever you...
Celebrate GODZILLA DAY with the iconic musician and director, John Carpenter! Tune-in to this streaming event November 3rd-6th starting at 6pm PT / 9pm ET!...
Expansive Documentary on ‘80s Horror Will Make for the Perfect Gift for Any Fan of ‘80s Horror This Holiday Season After celebrating its world premiere this...
Celebrating the Return of the Legendary Horror Magazine Lakeshore Records has partnered with the iconic horror entertainment company FANGORIA to celebrate the return of its...
So you know that saying that says something about the “best laid plans”? Well, yo ole Horror-Fix crew got together to discuss their favorite holiday...
With the upcoming release of the new Halloween, halloweencostumes.com gives a nice little breakdown on the evolution of one of our favorite holiday stalkers, Michael Myers....