Heralded by the filmmakers as a return to the creature features of the 80s, Moggy Creatures takes an unexpectedly different route. A route that involves...
The first part of a chilling rewriting of the infamous cult movie! It’s Halloween. Lizbeth leaves her husband and two children to accompany her brother...
So, for those Godzilla enthusiasts there really is only one place to visit and that is Tokyo. Specifically, Hotel Gracery which sports an “actual size”...
Tall Grass Films has announced the North American Digital HD and Canadian Cable VOD release of Rob Willey’s debut feature Dark Cove. Set against the tranquil...
Billed as “Tremors meets Jaws” , Sharkasaurus is self described as “A bloody ridiculous graphic novel full of brutal killings, Shakespearian love and golf courses.”....