Lake Mungo (2008) One of the first released films from After Dark’s “8 Films to Die For”, Lake Mungo is undoubtedly one of the most effective. This Australian...
Slice of Fright Film Festival and parent entity CinemaSlice are looking for this year’s best horror shorts and they’ve enlisted Horror-Fix owner Ash Hamilton to...
Jeremiah Kipp (Director), Carlos Keyes (Exec Producer), David Gere (Co-Producer), and Jerry Janda (writer) have breathed new life into the “found footage” phenomenon with their...
Celebrating the 8th annual Women in Horror month, we decided to have a sit-down with owner and judge of this year’s Women in Horror Film...
Yup, we’re giving away more free stuff, this time we are partnering with CometTV, a FREE Sci-Fi/Horror Channel available ANYWHERE. Seriously, got a tv? Got...