The Philip K. Dick European Science Fiction Film Festival has announced the award winners for its fifth annual event. The gathering saluted the legacy of novelist...
The unrivaled horror film festival in Greece is back! Live the experience! Horrorant Film Festival “FRIGHT NIGHTS”, one of the fastest up and coming genre...
Popcorn Frights Film Festival, the largest genre film event in Southeast US, is excited to announce that submissions are now open for the fourth edition...
The Edmonton Festival Of Fear International Film Festival will be the first film festival in the world to Screen, “Gone” by director Billy Chizmar, Bel...
Festival Line-Up is Bigger, Bolder, and Bloodier Featuring Over 40 Film Premieres Popcorn Frights Film Festival returns bigger, bolder, bloodier with its second wave of...
Global Digital Releasing has set a distribution date for the award winning dramatic thriller Without Name. The North American release will be across multiple digital...
The Six Day Event Honored Excellence of Independent Sci-Fi Cinema Over 100 Screenings and Events Held In Honor of Milestone Year (New York City, N.Y.)...
CryptTV has experienced incredible growth this past year as the internet’s #1 source for original genre content. They also identify and elevate the best, most...