TERROR FILMS starts to unleash its slate of 2016 titles, beginning with the award winning and critically acclaimed film, THE HOUSE ON PINE STREET. The...
“Directors Steve Balderson and Elizabeth Spear take the typical soap opera and spoof it until it bleeds profusely.”-Dread Central Steve Balderson’s festival favorite Hell Town is now available...
DRILLER QUEEN is the brand new exploitation film from 29 year old British musician/performer turned filmmaker Kurt Dirt. Self described as “a cross between ‘Party Monster’,...
Dolly Deadly is a feature film of the psychological horror/revenge genre written by Heidi Moore and Cassandra Sechler. It’s sure to be a little creepy,...
My Man Productions has announced the rollout release of Stephen David Brooks’ Flytrap on Digital HD. Following an impressive year on the international film festival circuit,...
There are some films that despite the apologies, despite the repeated attempts at revisiting, despite pleas from fans I just plain hate and there isn’t...